Saturday, March 20, 2010

Literary Laziness + Narcissim = Blog

Back in the day people did the whole diary/journal thing. Combine our generation's co-dependence on technology plus our inexplicable need to put everything about ourselves on the internet for everyone to see, and you have blogs.

I did the blog thing during my college years, once for my family to keep up with my life abroad in Egypt and once for the heck of it. A combination of being busy and being creeped out by the strangers vested in and commenting on my life motivated me to shut down the general blog after about 6 months.

But law school is weird.

I'm not going to waste pages in a paper diary on it. I mean, when I croak and my children are going through my stuff, how disappointed would they be to open my musty old diary to find entries about how much legal writing makes me want to self-medicate? But I do need to vent, my Law School Bestie is blogging, and I need something to do.

So here is the blog. Let's establish an interesting back story. I'm almost done being a first year law student, but all that really means is that in 8 weeks I get to call myself a 2L instead of a 1L. I have a love/hate relationship with law school. I hate the busy work and I hate some of the boring subjects. I do enjoy some of it though, and let's face it, law school gives me some sort of function or purpose.

That wasn't an interesting back story at all.


Amanda said...


Unknown said...

Hahaha you know you love law school deeeep deeep down inside. Keep up the entertaining blogage :)