Thursday, April 29, 2010

Unrelated Bullet Point Updates

My other Law School Bestie, who I shall call Baby B (we all call him that in real life too) thinks one update a week is not good. A lot of stuff happens, but I didn't want to over-blog. Maybe I should keep it at one post every 3 or 4 days. Anyway, here's some stuff that's going on.

  • I got placed in the legal department of Ace Hardware Corporation for my internship. At first I was a little confused, because I thought it was a small company. But, Baby B did some Googling and apparently they are located in over 70 countries around the world, and in all 50 states. They're a $12.5 billion dollar company! I probably shouldn't have been so quick to whine. It's going to be an 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. workday which kind of sucks, but oh well. Also, I'll be living at home, not in the city. I love my family, but I love the structure of having my own place. All in all, packed lunches, free evenings and $6k is not a bad deal. And I think the experience of working with the in-house counsel at a huge corporation is going to be great.
  • The 1L "Meet the Employers Reception." What can I say about that, except that we were all aware that we were "hustlin'." And we asked each other how the hustlin' was going. We also got some lovely eggrolls and little sandwich wraps and cookies. Seriously, a networking event can NEVER be a total waste because there is free food and drinks if you are so inclined. Highlights? Our little charmingly latin career services guy riding up and down the escalator with a camcorder. All career services people coming and physically breaking up any law students talking to each other. The girls in little tiny thigh-high skirts was fun too, especially when my adviser came up to me and my Law School Bestie and said we were great examples of pantyhose that looked like we were wearing pantyhose. Then she told us about pulling aside girls in small skirts and other people who "stink and need to take a shower." Epic win.
  • Ran for SBA Diversity Rep and got so nervous during my speech that my voice CRACKED. It was horrible. Especially since there were a couple of people I dislike there. The good news? My opponent didn't even bother to show up! Eagerly waiting election results.
  • Went to lunch at the Plymouth Restaurant with Baby B and my Law School Bestie. It is across from us, on Plymouth Court and Van Buren, incidentally located next to the Chicago Bar Association and John Marshall Law School. They had a sandwich called the John Marshall. Baby B goes "No way am I ordering the John Marshall!" Other notable B quote: "Can you imagine someone paying us $200 to do anything? Why would they do that?"
  • Went to see a live taping of America's Got Talent auditions with Bestie, B, and B's lady friend. Bestie was awesome and got us tickets. We were RIGHT behind the judges, meaning we are going to be on TV. We were basically told we weren't allowed to leave because "this shot cannot change." We were also told to "go apeshit" regardless of whether we liked or disliked the act. So basically we had to get on our feet and scream "boo", give the act an "x" with our arms, or motion them off the stage if we didn't like them. If we liked them we had to get on our feet, scream "woo", and fist pump while chanting "Vegas" over and over. There was an amazing opera singer named Carlos, who is going to be America's answer to Susan Boyle, they said he was the best singer they had ever seen. The worst two acts were the last two, a civil engineer dancing on a surfboard, and a guy who wanted to projectile sneeze his snot 50 feet, and failed. Also, if you watch the show and they air the bellydancers, and you hear an Arab-style catcall of "leleleleleleleeeeee," that was me!

I love my life. Back to studying for finals!


Amanda said...

B is going to hell for booing the dancing Grandmas. Seriously. You just don't DO that.